Sunday, January 11, 2009

2008 in Review - 11 years of being parents!

Well - it has been eleven great years since Deanna and I became parents. It has been a long road at times and we still have the hardest part to go - but we are loving every minute of it! We celebrated Kayson's big day yesterday and he had a great party. Well since this is the first blog here I am posting some pics of the kids over the last year or so to kind of get everyone caught up on us, finishing off with some of his party. This was a busy year. We started out with the kids playing basketball and then soon after school was out and summer was in full swing. We made a trip to Utah and then on to California and Disneyland. Then, August started and things got really busy! The boys both played football and did very well. The football season in Texas is very long - they started the first week of August and we wrapped up the season just before Thanksgiving. We know they learned a lot and we think they had fun. Then, just like that, the holiday season was upon us and now it is January. (Insert your own time cliché here). Well - I will let the pictures do the talking from here.

Starting out early in the year the kids played basketball - it was the first year for both Kayson and Bailey. Bailey thought she should be a more prominent figure in the offense - she played hard and gave it her very best and when that didn't work, she just bossed the other girls around.

Here is Kayson's team - they were league champs and Kayson had a lot of fun!

Bailey and I have a yearly tradition that we both look forward to with great anxiety - the Daddy and Daughter dance. I blogged about this elsewhere in the past. - (a little wordy - but expresses my feelings pretty well - please check it out!). Bailey still needs to work on her dancing.

One of our favorite family activities is going to Sea World in San Antonio. We have had passes for the last few years and go several times a year. This year, both Bailey and Kayson were the "Believe" kids - guest stars from the audience in the Shamu show. They both got to state what their dreams are and cheer on Shamu from up close. Kayson's dream was to become an Air Force Pilot and a Cartoonist. Bailey said she wanted to become a scientist and cure diabetes. The crowd roared for both of them. It was a lot of fun.

That's Kayson right up front - center stage.

This is why you should not fall asleep when baby- sitting a 5 and 7 year old with creative imaginations and access to Mommy's make up!

It is good to be brothers and best friends too!

Deanna was in charge of the Activity Days at Church and they did a newspaper fashion show and even though she is not 8 yet Bailey got to participate - one of the benefits of Mom being the leader! The dresses they made were very modest and absolutely fabulous!

Bailey did dance in the spring and loved the baton twirling the best. She practiced hard and went to several competitions. She progressed alot...

... even though she didn't always pay attention!

The three cutest kids in the woods!

Yes - we LOVE to fish with Dad! See how well we all watch our poles!

Yeah - we are tough! Think we are tough enough to take Dad? Let's get him and throw him in the pond!

Well - not everything is bigger in Texas, but yes - there are some fish in the water!

Kayson's dream come true - Jedi Academy at Disneyland. That is him clear in the back - the kid with glasses and hat.

Fighting his favorite character - Darth Vader the Dark Lord of the Sith. When Vader asked him to join the Dark Side, we were worried that Kayson was going to say yes!

Kayson and Branson - best buds!

The whole family including Grandma Carolyn and Alli (Deanna's sister), her husband Stacey, and their boys Branson and Dallas Palmer at California Adventure. We all wore Texas shirts on this day. Alli couldn't figure out why everyone kept flashing her the "devil horns sign" until we told her what "Hook 'em Horns" means! There were a lot of Longhorns fans at Disney that day.

Hey little boys! Help us hold this boulder back before it smashes us!!

"It's no use! RUN!! RUN!! - Tyler, Dallas - come on - run."

"OK - whatever".

The Oleen kids posing with their Dad.

HEY!! Kayson I told you NO EDITING THIS PAGE!

Kayson participated in the Iron Mission Camp and got to march in the "Mormon Batallion". He had a blast.

The two "batallionaires" Kayson and Branson with possible sacks, muskets, canteens and straw hats.

Tyler and Dallas - the two little dogs.

First day of school.

"Come on Tyler - this is football! - No time to be silly!"

"Whatever - I can do what I want - my Dad is the coach!"

Kayson's team was the Round Rock Gold Tigers - Kayson is number 15 (just to the right of the ref).

YES! Dropped for a loss! Tyler pulled a lot of flags this year and by the end was one of the better players on his team.

An almost perfect smile!

Aren't we almost done yet Mom?

Yes - my legs are getting long and I am almost as tall as my mom!

All I need is sunglasses and I will look just like Tony Stark!
Yes - this suit used to fit Kayson.

Of course, not everyone can say they got their start playing the role "Log Cabin" in the kindergarten Thanksgiving play.

Christmas Eve at Sea World - not real snow around the tree -just white plastic - the kids were not impressed.

As soon as Santa leaves Sea World he makes his yearly run!

Christmas jammies! In front of one of the best trees we have ever had. Of course, we couldn't get it to sit straight in the stand so I had to tie it off with 10# test. I should have sent it in to Berkley for a Trilene commercial!

What is it???

IT'S A Wii!! YEA! WE GOT A Wii!!!

New Year's eve - yep - we are both staying up until midnight! We both fit on this chair and these blankets mom made for us are so comfy! We've got our drinks and our popcorn and we are ready! Tyler made it to 10:15, Bailey did make it though.

Kayson's birthday - right after the chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. You can see the joy (and the chocolate) on their faces! Happy Birthday Kayson!

The party crew - it was a cold day but the All Star Sports-a-rama was a success!

The incredible flaming sundae! The basketball cake Deanna made fell over so we had to make do with candles in ice cream - which Kayson thought was "way cool" anyway. 11 Candles put off a lot of heat!